As Summer Heats Up, Are You Focusing on Keeping People Safe From Pests?

As a property owner, you have the responsibility of doing all that you can to keep people safe while on-premises. As we roll into summer, outdoor pests can start to become a problem. Not only are they irritating; they can pose some serious health concerns. The best way to control pests is to hire a company that handles commercial mosquito control in Detroit, MI to keep everyone from harm. After all, it isn’t just about being irritating – mosquitoes carry diseases that can be extremely harmful.

Mosquitoes in the United States

There are over 200 different types of mosquitoes found in the United States and of those, 12 species are known to spread diseases that can make you sick. The other types are bothersome to people and can ruin your time outdoors. Because you can’t tell which ones are dangerous and which ones are not, it is important to protect yourself from mosquitoes of all kinds throughout the summer.

Mosquitoes That Spread Germs

Although only some types of mosquitoes spread diseases, it is best to control them all. Mosquitoes that carry both parasites and viruses can make you very sick. The most common type of disease spread by mosquitoes is the West Nile virus. And although they’re not as common, the United States has had instances of outbreaks of Zika, chikungunya, and Dengue virus.

Best Ways to Control Mosquitoes

Reduce Breeding Sites

Female mosquitoes use standing water to lay their eggs. About three days after, the eggs will hatch into larvae. And 12 days later, the mosquito is ready to fly away. When you consider that the average adult mosquito can lay as many as 400 eggs during its lifecycle, it is easy to see why mosquitoes can get out of control so quickly. Take time to look around for any places where there is pooling or standing water. The most likely places are rain gutters, tree holes, old tires, potholes, and any containers that have been filled with rainwater.

Remove Algae From Ponds

If your commercial property has any ponds that grow algae, they are excellent breeding grounds for insects. It is important to remove any oxygenating plant from your premises before they become a haven to breed mosquitoes.

Use Mosquito Repellents In Outdoor Areas

Reducing their breeding grounds is an excellent way to help control the mosquito population on your commercial property, but it is just the first step. Make sure to use mosquito repellent around any places where your tenants or customers congregate outdoors. Having a professional pest company spray is the most effective way to ensure everyone’s safety.

Increase Mosquito Predators

Bats might not be pretty, but they do a lot to reduce the mosquito population. Consider adding a shelter to house bats and birds. They are natural predators and will do their part to reduce your mosquito population.

As a commercial property owner, you are responsible for the health and welfare of those who enter your premises. Mosquitoes aren’t just annoying – they can be extremely dangerous if not controlled. Make sure to take the simple steps above to reduce your mosquito population. And talk to Mypestway today to do all that you can to ensure the safety and well-being of those who enter your commercial area. Contact us today for an appointment.

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